
The Earth’s species are declining at an alarming rate. Some of our planet’s most iconic species – elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses, and sharks – are consistently victimised by the illegal wildlife trade. All now face extinction. Sadly, Hong Kong is a significant illegal wildlife transit hub, which is why WWF-Hong Kong is taking the lead to fight this trade, here and across the world. Thanks to the hard work of many, including strong public support from the Hong Kong people, the city totally banned the sale of elephant ivory in 2021. But – while a good start, this is not enough and we still have a long way to go to save threatened species.

You can help by supporting our work to lobby the government to fix legal loopholes and by supporting our partnerships with government bodies, e-commerce and financial firms, shipping and airline companies, and other like-minded NGOs to stop the illegal wildlife trade.

The health and economic activity of all human beings ultimately depends on the services provided by the natural world. To ensure a sustainable future for all living things, we need to urgently curb the loss and abuse of nature. The biggest challenge – and the biggest opportunity – lies in changing our approach to development. We must never forget that when we protect nature, we also protect people.

Just HK$5 a day
You can help protect our incredible planet for future generations, and become our member to walk with us.

Monthly donation will help support the long-term planning of our conservation programmes for getting a lasting impact. Thank you!